Course curriculum

    1. Nau mai, haere mai

    2. What you'll learn

    3. How to use this course

    1. Welcome to chapter one

    2. Sexual well-being

    3. A little history

    4. What is transphobia?

    5. Recognising & deconstructing power

    6. Stereotypes, stigma, and discrimination 101 quiz

    7. Content note

    8. Bad narratives

    9. Creating our own narratives

    10. Activity: Exploring your attractions

    11. What's next?

    1. Welcome to chapter two

    2. Anatomy and physiology intro

    3. What happens in utero?

    4. Genital Development

    5. What we call our genitals

    6. Content note

    7. My body, my words

    8. Using workbooks

    9. What do bodies mean? (Read online)

    10. What do bodies mean? (Interactive PDF & print version)

    11. Glorious bodies

    12. My intersex self

    13. Your second workbook

    14. Feeling myself (Read online)

    15. Feeling myself (Interactive PDF & Print)

    16. What's next?

    1. Welcome to chapter three

    2. Consent

    3. Activity: Tea exercise

    4. Trauma triggers

    5. Coping with trauma (Read online)

    6. Coping with trauma (Interactive PDF & Print)

    7. Listening: The right tools for the job (Read online)

    8. Listening: The right tools for the job (Interactive PDF & Print)

    9. Active listening 101

    10. Healthier arguments

    11. Making an argument plan (Read online)

    12. Making an argument plan (Interactive PDF & Print)

    13. What's next?

    1. Welcome to chapter four

    2. Relationship Variety

    3. Building a relationship

    4. Dating a trans person 101 - tips for partners

    5. It's your choice - personal autonomy chart

    6. What's important to me

    7. My bottom lines for autonomy worksheet (Read online)

    8. My bottom lines for autonomy (Interactive PDF & Print)

    9. Solving relationship issues

    10. Activity: Download this flowchart to make a decision with a friend

    11. Recognising unhealthy relationship dynamics

    12. Ending an abusive relationship

    13. Safety action plan worksheet (Read online)

    14. Safety action plan worksheet (Interactive PDF & Print)

    15. What's next?

    1. Welcome to chapter five

    2. Content note

    3. Understanding HIV with Burnett Foundation Aotearoa

    4. Lauren's Story

    5. Barrier methods

    6. STI screening with Dr Jen Hayward

    7. Booking an appointment

    8. Activity: book an STI screening appointment

    9. How did it go?

    10. Identifying risks

    11. Sex with strangers

    12. Managing risks in BDSM, kink, and fetish

    13. Charting risks (Read online)

    14. Charting risks (Interactive PDF & Print)

    15. If you are sexually assaulted

    16. Activity: Community based interventions

    17. What's next?

About this course

  • Free
  • 2.5 hours of video content
  • 7 chapters, 54 lessons
  • Booklets, videos, slideshows, and more
  • Designed for trans people, by trans people